Monday, September 8, 2014

About Us - ITMatters

Hello, we are ITMatters, a group of management information system students whose goal is to provide insight into current information technology topics and convince you that IT matters.  Please share your insight and knowledge back with us. Collaboration is key to success in our profession.  Our team consists of three members: Eric Sitzmann, Jeff Transgrud, and Jessa Veenstra.

Jessa Veenstra is a senior at the University of Northern Iowa double majoring in Management Information Systems and Accounting. She plans to finish up both degrees next year and sit for the CPA exam. She has most of her experience in accounting, but is passionate about using technology as an asset in the business world.

Jeff Trangsrud is a senior majoring in Management of Information Systems at the University of Northern Iowa and graduating next year. He has over 21 years experience in Management and Supervisory roles with over 15 years in Computer diagnostics, installation, and repair.

Eric Sitzmann is also a Senior majoring in Management Information Systems at the University of Northern Iowa.  Eric is a Marine Corps Veteran who will be graduating this upcoming December.  Eric has always loved technology and hopes to use his knowledge to help businesses run more efficiently and to make better decisions through more accurate use of information.


  1. Thank you for sharing! It is a scary yet true situation that exists.

  2. Using Chrome books in a fifth grade classroom students access a literacy pretest by clicking on a link provided by the teacher in Gmail. Students are required to submit their test when complete.
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    Another concern that continues to plague pour classroom is our literacy curriculum companies can not keep up with the constant changing technology. We are not able to user materials too support our literacy materials because the two do not work together. This is a constant frustration in schools today. Any suggestions?
